I’m still in the process of trying to count all the dresses I made in the past year. To date I counted 30. In case you missed any, here’s all the pictures of them. There is still more to come. Some of which I haven’t had an opportunity to wear yet. At the end of this week, I will hopefully display two more dresses from this week’s project bringing the count to 32. I’m blessed with dresses. Each and every one of them I made while caring for my mother. She spent her whole life as a professional seamstress. Today, at eighty she is demented and requires 24/7 care. Even so, she loves to watch me sew. She connects to life through my sewing. She can still pick out an uneven hemline and express when she doesn’t think a dress fits well. Best of all, she loves to watch me get dressed and smile at how beautiful they look. Her face just lights up with joy. Everyone of my dresses is part of our time and story together. I wear them with great joy and nothing and I mean nothing comes close to the wonderful feeling of wearing something you can say, I made them all “ FOR THE LOVE OF MOTHER.” Thank you for sharing in our beautiful sewing story.


  1. These are all so beautiful. You have the prettiest smile. God Bless you for doing this for your mother. I might consider doing something like this for my mom. I have sewn for her in such a long time, and I have such deep sentiments because she taught me to sew and loves receiving my blog updates. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Andrea. Thank you for the kind words. I can’t tell you how much they mean to me. Sewing is truly a great connector. Your mother sounds wonderful, and she too thought you a great gift. Keep sewing and sharing. It’s such a blessing. Debora

  2. Just fantastic!!! You are so beautiful! XXOO Cat


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