Loving her every stitch of the way!

Loving her every stitch of the way!
Everyday matters. This is my mother. She is eighty one years old. She suffers from dementia and requires 24/7 care. In addition to giving her that care,  everyday I strive to give her the best quality of life possible. In her working years she was a self employed seamstress. Last year, I embarked on a sewing journey in order keep her mind engaged. She loves to watch me sew and from time to time I give her simple tasks to work on. Recently, I decided I was going to bring up one of my sewing machines and see if she wanted to set out in a new venture of machine stitch embroidery. To my surprise not only was she up to the task, but she is actually re-learning a lot of her old sewing skills. I am so blown away with how the mind works. She won’t remember that she did this today, but tomorrow she will have a  better day because she did. Loving her every stitch of the way!


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