Emilie Floge inspired dress

Good evening everyone! Tonight was a special night. I wore for the first time in public the  Emilie Floge inspired dress that I created earlier this year. It was a fun evening and everyone got such a kick out of the dress. I was happy to share not only the dress but also the story behind the designer Emilie Floge. Arts matter. It's such a powerful connector. Enjoy!

This is my first Emilie Floge inspired dress. It’s nothing like I’ve ever created before. The design flowed right out of my head well into the life of fabric. The excitement of sewing it lasted right through the finish. I couldn’t seem to place it down. The feel of this dress is beyond comfortable. It’s powerful. A different kind of beauty. The dress itself sets it’s own stage commanding anyone in it’s presence. When I first put it own, it looked like it belonged in a painting. After the photos were taken I realized why Emilie Floge went for these lines. She must have played with different fabric layouts and photography to see what worked well for an artist perspective. It’s no surprise that an artist like Gustav Klimt used her dresses in his paintings and his paintings in her dresses. They were both incredible artists.


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