Honeycomb Smocking Dress

Honeycomb Smocking Dress

Hello everyone! I’ve been working on this dress for some time now. I never thought I could take so long in making a dress, but I have. First, I pleated the material and then I cut the dress. I kind of made it up as I went along. The dress was too big at the waist, so I decided to smock it. It’s a long process. It was the first time I’ve ever did anything like it. I had no idea where I was going with it. But that’s what makes it exciting. Overall, I’m pleased with it. I’m just tired of looking at it. I still have two more rows of smocking at the waist and I want to make a matching purse. And when I’ve completed this dress, I will be putting it away and hopefully only look at it next winter. I don’t have anything lined up right now for a new project. Which is a good thing. I want my sewing adventures to be fun and un-expecting. Sometimes, it’s good to just take some time to reorganize yourself. I might just do that for a short while. Meanwhile, I hope your exploring new ideas and creating things only you can create… and as always, thank you for sharing in our sewing journey. Debora


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