Make do and move forward - 1920’s piece

Hello everyone! Here’s another 1920’s piece that I wore for the first time today. I’m still obsessing with the 20’s. Actually, the more I make of these dresses the more I want them. They are very comfortable, slimming, easy and carefree. I feel great in them. I also think they go well with my persona. The kimono style top, I actually made over a year ago. It hung in my closet like a lost soul. I think we all have lost souls in our closet. I thought at the time I made it that it would hold as a single piece. It didn’t. I just couldn’t seem to wear it with anything else. Finally this year, I committed myself to finalize some of these pieces into outfits. I have a  few left I hope to do the same for. The Kimono was made from a pattern. I don’t remember the make. As for the rest of the outfit, it’s all my own cut and design. The dress underneath looks like a two piece, but it’s not. It’s all sewn together and the skirt is pleated, and with side pockets of course. The pleats are all sewn down inside and out. Crazy, but that’s how you get that kind of texture and richness. You can see the difference between the top of the fabric and the skirt. It’s an amazing outfit. I’m really pleased with it. Now, I’m ready to move forward to another project. After a while, you spend so much time working with something you can’t stand looking at it anymore. Ever piece I make teaches me something. This outfit thought me to make do and move forward. There’s an incredible amount of beauty in moving forward. Trust me! Meanwhile, I hope your exploring new ideas and creating things only you can create… and as always, thank you for sharing in our sewing journey. Debora


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