Simplicity pattern 1011

Well, hello everyone!
It’s a beautiful time of the year here in New England. It’s nice to cozy up and sew.
I’ve finally got around to completing this fall dress. I used Simplicity pattern 1011. The fabric is a gift from my sister Dorinda from her last trip to the Azores, Portugal. It's vivid flowers with a feel of the island itself. The skirt is my own design with panels on the sides and of course pockets. I've come to enjoy pockets in all my garments.

The dress is fully lined and the top is layered to create support. I've spoiled myself with this look. It's hard to go back to wearing store bought flimsy dresses without any built in foundation.

Well, that's all for now. I’m hoping to make a few more pieces this season. It’s exciting just thinking about it.  It’s such a great feeling to create. Hope to post again soon. Meanwhile, I hope your exploring new ideas and creating things only you can create… and as always, thank you for sharing in our sewing journey. Debora


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