#45 Dress - The Illumining Dress

#45 Dress - The Illumining Dress
Good evening everyone! I had a wonderful time tonight at The Prince Henry Society of Massachusetts Annual Installation Banquet. I finally wore “The Illumining Dress,” I made several weeks ago. Some of you may remember this dress took two weeks to complete and several trips to the fabric store for more yardage. This dress is pleated and sewn down at every pleat. It created an incredible texture and illumining effect to the dress. It’s also extremely heavy and can stand pretty much all on it’s own. I’m not kidding! Even so, I wore it with great pride as any fine piece of art.
Wow, it’s late. I’m a little tired. I’ll try to write some more about it tomorrow. But for now, I hope you enjoy the pictures. Good night and happy sewing dreams.


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